
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mineral Properties

Luster- Show us if our mineral is metallic or non
             metallic. If it looks like metal, it is metallic.

             if is not metal it mean it nonmetallic.
Color -Show us the color of a mineral is.
HardnessThe hardness of a metal or mineral.
Cleavage- it show us how How some minerals break.

                 Uneven or Straight.



1.What did you enjoy most about this project and 

i really enjoin work with the computer try to edit my partner and i video.
2.What was the most challenging for you during 
    this project and why?

the most challenging part was when some of the hypothesis my partner and i made were wrong and had ti look for the right minerals.
3.What new skills did you learn from doing this

the new skills i learn during this project was i didn't  know that some rock/mineral were made of magnet.
4.Is there anything you could have done to improve
   any of your work? Explain?

i think i would like to make time to finish what i have to done at the first place of a project.